Аукцион 1 Judaika, Books, Letters, Stamps, Bills
9.12.14 (локальном времени Вашего часового пояса)
 Harav Maimon 2, Jerusalem
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ЛОТ 50:

A Collection of Proclamations – Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Ha’Cohen Kook

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9 interesting proclamations related to Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Ha’Cohen Kook, the Chief Rabbi of the State of Israel. Some are related to the Great Synagogue “Beit Ya'akov” at the Rabbi Yehuda Ha'Hassid ruins (aka “Ha’Hurva” – the “Ruin Synagoge”) in the Old City of Jerusalem, where Rabbi Kook acted as president.
1. Sermon on Shabbat Shuva.
Proclamation from Ha'Hurva Synagogue”: “In Shabbat Shuva our Great Rabbi Avraham Itzhah Ha’Cohen Kook... will give a sermon at the Great Synagogue in the Rabbi Yehuda Ha'Hassid ruin.”
Solomon print, no date.
2. Passover holiday prayer and Rabbi Kook’s sermon
Proclamation announcing Shaharit and Moussaf prayers on the first day of Passover at the Synagogue at the Rabbi Yehuda Ha'Hassid ruin. Rabbi Kook “will honor the holiday of our liberty and the pilgrims”. Additionally, “the Synagogue’s cantor, Rabbi Israel Bardaki, will pass pray accompanied by a children choir.”
No date.
3. Prepare for the return of Rabbi Kook from the United States!
In 1924, Rabbi Kook traveled to the United States to raise money for Torah and charity institutions in the Land of Israel and the Diaspora. Upon learning of his upcoming return, Jews in Jerusalem became tremendously excited. This proclamation reads: “Prepare to welcome back our Great Rabbi… upon the day of his return from America… on Wednesday, 17.12.1924 by the welcome gate that will be erected in the entrance to the Rabbi’s House’s street”. It is interesting to note that the Rabbi’s street is called in the proclamation “Rabbi’s House’s street”!
Printed by “The Organizing committee that was chosen by the representatives of the rabbis and the public institutions”. Solomon print.
4. Commemorating the birthday of the King –1926
Towards Thursday, 3.6.1926, birthday of George V, king of England, the Chief Rabbanite published a proclamation urging the public to pray for the wellbeing of the King and the Royal Family. A special event will take place in the Synagogue in Rabbi Yehuda Ha'Hassid ruin. There the audience will pray for the King’s wellbeing, and Rabbi Kook will speak on the occasion. Additionally, a “Mi Sheberach” prayer will be said for the High Commissioner, Lord Plumer.
Signed by the Chief Rabbinate. Sinai print.
5. Passing of Rabbi Yosef Rabbi –1932
“Terrible mourning”: obituary announcing the passing of the Great Rabbi Yosef Rabbi, rabbi, teacher and manager of the Talmud Torah and yeshiva “She’arey Torah” in Jaffa, “brother-in-law of Great Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Ha’Cohen Kook”. The funeral procession will depart from Talmud Torah “Etz Ha’Haim”. Printed by the family at Zion print.
Rabbi Yosef Rabbi (1874-1931) studied in adolescence at the Telshe and Ponevezh yeshivas, and later in Bauska and took the sister of Rabbi Kook, who was the town rabbi, as his wife. He studied in Vilnius at the kibbutz of Rabbi Haim Ozer Grozdinsky ZT”L, which held him in high appraise. In 1910, he immigrated to Palestine and became rabbi teacher (RM) and manager of the Talmud Torah and yeshiva “She’arey Torah” in Jaffa. Did much for strengthening religion in his city and was a member of the Tel-Aviv city council. Published many religious articles. He died suddenly, and his funeral was attended by thousands. The most prominent rabbis delivered his eulogies.
6. Festive prayer for commemoration of the Polish constitution – May 1932
At that time, the 3rd of May was annually celebrated as Polish constitution day. During that day, rabbis and Jewish leaders would arrive at the Polish consulate for festivities. This public announcement, published by the Poland-Warsaw kolel, announces that prior to the celebrations, at 8:30am, a festive prayer will be held at the “Zikhron Moshe” Great Synagogue. Rabbi Kook and other rabbis, along with the Polish consul Dr. Z. Kurnikovsky, will attend. “Ha’Sefer” print.
7. Prayer for Rabbi Kook’s wellbeing –1935
Public notice published in August 1935 by the members of the Prushim and Hassidim religious courts in Jerusalem, during Rabbi Kook’s eventually terminal period of illness. It calls “our brothers, sons of Israel” to “intensify your prayers and pleas (tahnunim) in private and public” for Rabbi Kook. The rabbis’ final note: “And G-D will hear and listen to the prayers of the masses… and will prolong his days and years”.
8. Announcement by the organizing committee for Rabbi Kook’s funeral –1935
Announcement on the funeral of Rabbi Kook (Sunday, Sept. 1935). From the notice: “The funeral service will begin at one… the Chief Rabbinate and national institutions order a cessation of work on this day… Rabbi Kook St. will be closed as of this morning, from Ha’Nevi’im St. to Yaffo St.”
Regarding the order of the funeral process: “First [will march] the Talmud Torah students. After them the family, yeshiva students in order of their yeshivas, rabbis who serve or have served in the Rabbinate from all over the state, representative of the High Commissioner, representative of the government, consuls and ethnic group leaders, representatives of public institutions… stewarding duties will be conducted by yeshiva members and Ha’Poel Ha’Mizrahi. No organization may appear for the funeral in uniform.”
A rare and interesting document!
9. Memorial service for the one year commemoration of the passing of Rabbi Kook –1936
Notice by the Knesset – committee of the Jewish committee and religious assembly, regarding the memorial service (azkarah) for Rabbi Kook at the first anniversary of his passing, Friday, 21.8.1936. R.Ch. Ha’Cohen Jerusalem print.
The notice reads: “On the morning of Thursday, 2 Elul, all synagogues in the city will pray ‘El Maleh Rahamim’ for the ascension of his soul”. That evening, “memorial services will be held in all major synagogues in the city”, among them “Yeshurun” and “Zikhron Moshe”. The names of the eulogizers are detailed, among them Jerusalem rabbis, and prayers by famous cantors. At the end it is mentioned that “two buses will leave ‘Beit Ha’Rav’ on Friday morning, 3 Elul, at precisely 8:00 for a visit to the Rabbi’s grave”.
The proclamations are in various sizes.
Good-excellent condition.