Аукцион 10 Special items
от Refaeli
Eliyahu Mani 14, Jerusalem, Израиль
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ЛОТ 21:

Rare Hassidic Siddur – Approbations and Greetings of 20 of the Greatest Rebbes – Przemyśl, 1892 – Nice Copy

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Аукцион проходил 30.10.19 в Refaeli

Rare Hassidic Siddur – Approbations and Greetings of 20 of the Greatest Rebbes – Przemyśl, 1892 – Nice Copy

Seder Tefilah according to the Sephard custom, with the Tefilah L'Moshe commentary by Rabbi Moshe Cordovero – the Ramak. With Siddur Or HaYashar which includes the book Or Tzaddikim by the Maharam Poppers and the book Derech HaChaim by Rabbi Ya'akov Loberbaum of Lisa. With other additions.

Przemyśl, 1892. Zupnik Press. Knohler et Hamersmidt.

Printed at the beginning of the book are 20 approbations by the greatest Rebbes praising the Siddur. Approbations: the Rebbe Rabbi Yehoshua Rokeach of Belz; Rabbi Yechezkel Sheraga Halberstam of Shinova; Rabbi David Halberstam of Kishinev; Rabbi Zvi Elimelech Shapira of Blozov; Rabbi Meir Yehuda Shapira of Bikovsk; Rabbi Shlomo Shapira of Munkatch; rabbi Yehoshua Horowitz of Dzikov; Rabbi Yitzchak of Alesk; Rabbi Eliezer Zvi Safrin of Konrana; Rabbi Shlomo Halberstam of Vizhnitz; Rabbi Baruch Hager of Vizhnitz; Rabbi David Moshe Friedman and Rabbi Mordechai Sheraga Friedman of Tchoortkov; Rabbi Yitzchak Friedman of Bian; Rabbi Yisrael Friedman of Sadigura; and more.

Section A: Prayers for the days of the week and for Sabbath. [8], 24, 286 leaves.

On leaf [2]: "The publisher's introduction which was written in 1890 at the onset of the printing of the Siddur. In which he recalls that he gathered manuscripts of "Tefilah L'Moshe" by the Ramak. "Sephardic and Italian copying", "which for more than two years we have been working to copy them … and publish it". In addition, the version of "Or HaYashar" was refined, "Drech Chaim" was printed in its entirety and refined "and to it were added several halachot and commentary on the version of the prayer from the Mahadura Tanyana of the genius author".

Leaf 25: Or HaYashar (special title page), Tikkun Chatzot, Hanhagat HaBoker (and additional matters before the prayer). Printed here on leaves 1-3 "Amud HaTorah" and "Amud haAvodah" (partly) from "Or HaYashar". Additional parts of "Or HaYashar" appear in various other sections of the Siddur. "Amud Gemilut Chassadim", by Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Chazan was printed at the end of section B, before "Derech HaChaim". At the beginning of "Tefilah L'Moshe", on leaf 1,1, a comment by the kabbalist Rabbi Yisrael Saruk.

Printed at the end of this section is an "apology" by the proofreader, Rabbi Zvi Brizel, who writes that he had before him three manuscripts of "Tefilah L'Moshe" and details their nature and writers. When the version of the prayer appearing in the manuscripts differed from "our Siddurim", he presented both versions.

Section B: Prayers for Yamim Nora'im. [287]-432, 8; [1], 48, [2] leaves.

Includes commentary on the prayers of Rosh Hashana and the Teki'ot and Seder Avodat Yom HaKippurim, by the Ramak, which is titled "Zivchei Shelamim".
The prayers of Musaf for Sabbath and Rosh Chodesh, Haggadah, the prayers for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur (Amidah), Seder Teki'ot and Seder HaAvodah, Hoshanot (with a short commentary), Yichud, Selichot for Monday and Thursday and the fasts, Yotzrot for the four Parashiyot.
8 leaves: Or HaYashar, Amud Gemilut Chassadim.

[1] 48, [2] leaves, with a special title page: the complete book of Derech Chaim, which is a collection of Dinim belonging to the order of prayer, by Rabbi Ya'akov Loberbaum of Lisa.

A thick volume. Very good condition. Original leather binding. The spine of the binding is worn.