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KooKoo Auction House was founded by a pair of young artists and collectors and specializes in the sale of contemporary Israeli art.
The works are picked up carefully directly from the artist's studio, thereby avoiding the mediation gaps between gallery owners and stakeholders.
In this auction you can invest in promising young Israeli art and you will also find large and rich original works that will bring light and abundance to your home space.
You are welcome to take part and experience with us an extraordinary sale.
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Приближающиеся аукционы
KooKoo - Аукцион 43
Суббота, 8.3.25, 19:15
Winter sale of young and contemporary Israeli and international art
Закончившиеся аукционы
KooKoo - Аукцион 41
A particularly beautiful sale of young and contemporary Israeli art
KooKoo - Аукцион 37
KooKoo and Roni Yoffe present: New Year's sale - 45 oil paintings by Roni Yoffe at surprising prices, all works will reach the winners before Rosh Hashanah Eve!
KooKoo - Аукцион 36
A beautiful sale with contemporary Israeli art for investment and promising young artists - stay in the air conditioner: delivery with our courier for only NIS 39
KooKoo - Аукцион 35
Contemporary art from Israel and the world by promising young artists
KooKoo - Аукцион 33
Contemporary Israeli art, promising young artists, emphasis on figurative realism
KooKoo - Аукцион 32
Contemporary Israeli art with an emphasis on Israeli realism and pop-art
KooKoo - Аукцион 30
Israeli Contemporary Art - Young promising artists for investment
KooKoo - Аукцион 29
Israeli Contemporary Art - Young promising artists for investment
KooKoo - Аукцион 20
For contemporary Israeli art lovers young art The Art of Investing at opening prices that only Kookoo getting you most beautiful catalog ever
KooKoo - Аукцион 19
contemporary Israeli Art, including Graffiti, young promising artists for investment
KooKoo - Аукцион 17
KooKoo Summer auction - contemporary Israeli art including amazing graffiti art and art young for investment
KooKoo - Аукцион 14
Coolest Israeli art auction, Young Contemporary and street art, 31 art pieces with starting price of 20$ and art & culture books
KooKoo - Аукцион 12
Israeli Contemporary Art including graffiti and pop art, young Israeli artists for Investment
KooKoo - Аукцион 8
KOOKOO GARAGE SALE - Antiques from around the World and Israel LOW STARTING BIDS

*1812 (бесплатно с мобильного)
или +79197630176
или +79197630176
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