ЛОТ 1: Sha'ar Yosef. The Chid"a's First Sefer. First Edition. Novellae and in-depth discussions on Tractate Horiyot, as well as responsa, from Rabbi Chaim Yosef David Azoulay (the Chid"a). Livorno, 1756. First edition. The first work printed from among the many works by the Chid"a, known to have ...
ЛОТ 2: Early Handwritten Kabbalistic Glosses. Sefer Mafte'ach Olamot - Zolkiew, 1745. First Print, Especially Rare. Mishnat Chachamim authored by the renowned Kabbalist Emmanuel Chai Ricci, with the Maggid Mishnah commentary by Rabbi Moshe b"r Yekutiel Zalman of Drahichyn and Pinsk. Zolkiew, 1745. ...
ЛОТ 3: Luchot Edut by Rabbi Yehonatan Eibeschütz. First Edition. Signature of Rabbi Uri of Sambor... "To explain that the gaon Rabbi Yonatan (Eibeschütz) was dealt with deceptively ... and a door was opened against this gaon ... may they burn in fire " (from the text of the title page) ...
ЛОТ 4: Sefer HaZohar, Lublin, R' Tzvi Bar Avraham Kalonymous Jaffe. 1623. Scarce. First edition of a Sefer HaZohar HaKadosh printed in Ashkenazic countries for Ashkenazic Jewry. Scarce sefer , almost no copies have survived intact. Even the National Library in Jerusalem does not have a complete ...
ЛОТ 5: Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim with Chukei Chayim, with the Siddur (!). Berlin, 1700. Rare First Edition. The laws of Orach Chaim with the Chukei Chayim commentary and the laws of Yoreh Deah with the Chukei Da'at commentary, by the great and expert Rabbi Moshe Yekutiel, known as Kaufman Cohen, a ...
ЛОТ 6: Binat Mikra. Horodna, 1818. Especially Rare Sefer. Binat Mikra - elucidation of entries and arrangements of the breaks between the cantillation notes ... in addition to the cantillation notes in the sefarim 'Eme"t' [Iyov, Mishlei Tehillim] ... according to the breaks and the connections ...
ЛОТ 7: Especially Rare Set of Mishnah: First Edition of Chiddushim by Rabbi Yoel Chassid of Omtchislav, a Disciple of the Gr"a. Shishah Sidrei Mishnah with the commentaries of Rabbi Ovadiah of Bartenura and the Tosafot Yom Tov, and more. With Chiddushei Mahar"i by Rabbi Yoel of Omtchislav - a disciple ...
ЛОТ 8: Tana"ch - Menasheh Ben Israel. Amsterdam, 1639. Esrim V'Arba v'hem Chamishah Chumshei Torah Nevi'im Rishonim V'Acharonim V'Ketuvim printed by Menasheh Ben Israel. Amsterdam, 1639! Beautiful and important edition of the Tana"ch printed by Jews at Menasheh Ben Israel's renowned press. ...
ЛОТ 9: Ohr Ne'erav - The Rama"k's Kabbalah. Venice, 1587. Important and Rare Sefer. Ohr Ne'erav - Gateway to Kabbalistic wisdom by Rabbi Moshe Cordovero - the Rama"k, rare first edition. Lacking the title page. Fundamental work on Kabbalistic doctrine according to the Rama"k. With a lengthy ...
ЛОТ 10: Mevakshei Hashem. Venice, 1596. First Edition. Sefer Mevakshei Hashem - drushim on the weekly Torah portions by Rabbi Shmuel Chagiz. Venice, 1596. First edition. On the title page: "Three derashot on each and every parashah , prepared and researched by the complete sage Rabbi Shmuel ... ...
ЛОТ 11: Tana"ch. Hanau, 1610. Very Rare. Torah, Nevi'im and Ketuvim. Hanau, Hanesh Yakuf Hennah Press, 1610. Lacking the title page. Printed in two columns, without vowelization or cantillation. Every fifth verse is indicated with a letter. Colophon: "Completed on ... Wednesday, the second day of ...
ЛОТ 12: Ruach Chen. Cremona, 1566. Ruach Chen - philosophic work attributed to Rabbi Yehudah ibn Tibbon with a commentary by an unknown writer. Cremona, Cunti Press, 1566. The author's preface appears on the back of the title page: MeHaMa'amar HaNechbad Moreh HaNevuchim yachlof al panei, U'V'Amdi al ...
ЛОТ 13: Na"ch. Agudat Shmuel. Especially Rare Pocket Edition. Polemic. Amsterdam, 1699. Sefer HaMaggid . Nevi'im and Ketuvim with Rash"i's commentary, Yiddish, and Agudat Shmuel by R' Shmuel Delogtash, that which he compiled and collected from old sefarim , Haga"h D'Rabi Ovadiah HaNavi [of Grotem(?)] ...
ЛОТ 14: Sefer Zikaron. Prague, 1640. Especially Rare Sefer. Sefer Zikaron - alphabetically arranged laws from the Shulchan Aruch to assist with memory, four parts, by Rabbi Yitzchak Shapira. [Prague? c. 1640]. Especially rare sefer . The first title page is a professional photocopy. Early, unique ...
ЛОТ 15: Amudei Golah - Sma"k. First Edition. Post-Incunabula. Sefer Amudei Golah, known as Sefer Mitzvot HaKatzar , on mitzvahs performed during that era, by Rabbi Yitzchak of Corbeil - one of the Ba'alei HaTosafot. Constantinople, c. 1510. Rare first edition. Post-incunabula. Incomplete copy. First ...
ЛОТ 16: Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim. Venice, 1574. Small Volume. Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim for elders and youths in a small volume so it can be carried easily ... with the addition of word explanations. Venice, Bragadin Press, 1574. Incomplete copy. Rare early edition of the Shulchan Aruch, printed ...
ЛОТ 17: Shulchan Aruch in a Small Volume. Venice, 1578. Especially Rare. Shulchan Aruch for elders and youths in a small volume so it can be easily carried, with the addition of word explanations ... Venice, Alessandra Gardani Press, 1577-1578. Two parts. Incomplete copy. Rare early edition of the ...
ЛОТ 18: Shulchan Aruch. Choshen Mishpat. Venice, 1598 [שנת משי"ח]. Small Volume. Shulchan Aruch for elders and youths in a small volume so it can be easily carried ... Venice, di Gara Press, 1598. Chelek Choshen HaMishpat. Rare early edition of the Shulchan Aruch, printed without Hagahot HaRam"a. On ...
ЛОТ 19: Mikra'ei Kodesh by Rabbi Yosef Samegah. Venice, 1586. Parchment Binding. "It will be considered as if he was occupied with the Torah the entire year, because the dedicated are influenced from the Yom Tov all the days of the year." (The author's preface.) Sefer Mikra'ei Kodesh - Part I on the ...
ЛОТ 20: Avodat HaLevi. Venice, 1546. Rare Sefer. Sefer Avodat HaLevi , references for the 613 mitzvahs according to the Ramba"m's order and more, by Rabbi Shlomo Ben Eliezer HaLevi. Venice, Marco Antonio Justinian Press. 1546. Rare sefer . The sefer is arranged according to the weekly Torah portions ...
ЛОТ 21: Sefer Dikduk. Ortona. Gershom Soncino Press, 1519. Sefer Dikduk on grammar by R' Moshe Kimchi with an elucidation by Eliyahu Bachur. Ortona, Gershom Soncino Press, 1519. Incomplete copy. The main text of the work is in vowelized letters, with the elucidation alongside in Rash"i script. ...
ЛОТ 22: Ben HaMelech V'HaNazir: Mantua, 1557. Poetic proverbs in the form of a discussion between a prince immersed in the vanities of the times and an ascetic monk removed from worldly desires. Mantua, 1557. Second edition of Ben HaMelech V'HaNazir , an early work of wisdom and mussar originally ...
ЛОТ 23: Post-Incunabula: Sefer HaIkarim. Rimini, 1522. Sefer HaIkarim - discussion of the fundamentals of faith and Jewish philosophy, by Rabbi Yosef Albo. Rimini, Soncino Press. 1522. Post-incunabula. Incomplete copy. Among the most important sefarim of faith and philosophy. Refer to the Hebrew ...
ЛОТ 24: Me'or Einayim. Venice, 1574. Book Banned Immediately upon its Publication. Me'or Einayim - renowned work by Rabbi Azariah dei Rossi min HaAdumim. Mantua, 1574. First edition. With all the revised leaves. A large controversy surrounded Sefer Me'or Einayim . Immediately upon the release of ...
ЛОТ 25: Urim V'Tumim. Venice, 1603. First Edition. Urim V'Tumim - commentary on Nevi'im - Yeshayahu and Yirmiyahu, by Rabbi Meir Aramah. Venice, 1603. The person who brought it to print, Rabbi Menachem Ya'akov Ashkenazi, wrote in his introduction to this work, "This sefer was ordered for me, and ...
ЛОТ 26: Shulchan Aruch. Even HaEzer. Venice, 1598 [שנת משיח - שנ"ח]. Very Rare. Shulchan Aruch by Rabbi Yosef Karo, two parts: Even HaEzer and Choshen Mishpat. Venice, Juan di Gara Press. 1598. Handwritten glosses. Early edition of the Shulchan Aruch, still printed without the Ram"a's glosses, but ...
ЛОТ 27: Sefer HaAgudah - Krakow, 1571 - Signature - by Kabbalist Rabbi Aharon Luria, a Frankfurt Sage alongside the Shla"h HaKadosh. First Edition. Sefer HaAgudah - halachic rulings that arise from each sugya , for all Talmudic tractates, by Alexander Zuslin HaKohen. Kraków, 1571. First edition of ...
ЛОТ 28: Mizbe'ach HaZahav, with a Segulah for a Plague. Approbations from Gedolei Olam. Especially Rare. Mizbe'ach HaZahav - elucidation on 'Seder Pitum HaKetoret' and how to recite it during times of distress and plague, by Rabbi Shlomo son of Rabbi Mordechai of Mezeritch (a disciple of the ...
ЛОТ 29: Sefer Pitchei Y-h, Prague, 1609. First Edition. Asarah She'arim LeFetach V'Sha'ar L'Chochmat HaKabbalah by Kabbalist Rabbi Yissachar Ber son of Rabbi Petachiah of Kremnitz. Prague, 1609. The ten she'arim are arranged according to the ten sephirot . Kabbalist Rabbi Yissachar ber b"r Petachyah ...
ЛОТ 30: Yessod Shirim. Krakow, 1593. Scarce. Yessod Shirim. Midrash HaNe'elam al Meggilat Ruth . Krakow, 1593. Incomplete copy. Very early edition of Sefer HaZohar al Meggilat Ruth . Written at the top of the pages: Midrash Ruth . On the title page [Hebrew]: Proofread from a sefer indicating that ...
ЛОТ 31: Rare and Scarce: Ot Emet. Salonika, 1565. First Edition. Glosses. Sefer Ot Eme t - glosses and references to midrashic literature and the Yalkut , and glosses on the siddur, by Rabbi Meir Benveniste. Salonika, Yosef ben Yitzchak Ya'avetz Press, 1565. First edition. Very rare sefer ; a precious ...
ЛОТ 32: Rabbeinu Bechayei, Elucidation on the Torah. Venice, Bomberg Press, 1546. Beautiful early edition of Rabbeinu Bechayei's commentary on the Torah printed by Daniel Bomberg. Rabbi Meir Bar Natan of Hildsom's signature appears on the back of the title page: "Presently teacher here in Schaffhausen ...
ЛОТ 33: Divrei Shlomo. Venice, 1596. First Edition. Gloss. Divrei Shlomo - derashot on the Torah and the festivals, by Rabbi Shlomo L'Veit HaLevi. With an interesting author's preface. Venice, 1596. First edition. The sefer includes derashot given by the author on Shabbats from 1568-1575 in the ...
ЛОТ 34: Chamishah Chumshei Torah. Menasheh Ben Yisrael Press. Amsterdam, 1640. Chamishah Chumshei Torah with Targum Onkelos, Targum Yerushalmi and Targum Yonatan; commentaries by Rash"i and Ba'al HaTurim; Chamesh Meggilot with Targum; and with haftarahs. Separate title pages for the meggilahs and for ...
ЛОТ 35: Siddur Arranged by Rabbi Shlomo Zalman London - Pocket Edition, Amsterdam, 1727 - Parchment Binding. Beautiful direct prayer for the entire year, with many virtues beyond anything that has ever been printed before, by Rabbi Shlomo Zalman London. He brought merit to the masses, collected and ...
ЛОТ 36: Karaite Prayer Book. Venice, 1528-1529. The First Karaite Siddur in the World!. Siddur per the Karaite custom, Part V. Venice, Bomberg Press, 1528-1529. Especially rare first edition of the Karaite siddur and machzor. The printers divided the set into five parts, but only the first part has ...
ЛОТ 37: Machzor According to the Roma Community. Venice, 1616. Machzor according to the Roma community custom, with explanations of foreign words, and comments. Part II. Venice, 1616. Machzor for the days of Selichot ; Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur; for Sukkot and for public fasts. Some of the piyutim ...
ЛОТ 38: Machzor for the High Holidays for Anusim from Spain. Amsterdam, 1652. Spanish. Rare and Especially Early. Orden de Ros Asanah y Kypur / traduzido en español, y de nuevo emmendado, y añadido el Keter Malchut, y otras cosas. [1652]. Completed by hand. Orden - Spanish machzor for Rosh HaShanah ...
ЛОТ 39: Machzor for the Yamim Nora'im for Spanish Anusim. Amsterdam, 1706. Spanish. Especially Rare. Orden de Ros-Asanah y Kipur - machzor for Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. Amsterdam, Aharon Hisquia Querdio Press, 1706. Photocopied title page. The entire machzor was written exclusively in Spanish ...
ЛОТ 40: Machzor for the Entire Year, per the Roma Custom. Part II. Mantua, 1559. Antique machzor, printed in two parts, the first in 1557. This is the second part, with prayers for Tishrei. On the title page: On Lag LaOmer, 1559. In the colophon: completed on Chanukah of 1559 / ב’ש’ו’ב’י’ [ש"ך]. Rare ...
ЛОТ 41: Machzor per the Bnei Roma Custom. Venice, 1587-1606. Rare. Machzor per the Roma community custom, Part II, with an elucidation of foreign words and precious comments ... Venice, di Gara Press, 1587-1606.Machzor for the Tishrei prayers and public fasts. The title page states: 1587, and the ...
ЛОТ 42: Machzor According to the Bnei Roma Custom. Part II. Venice, 1626. Machzor K'Minhag Bnei Roma , Part II, for the high holidays, Sukkot and fasts. Venice, Juani Cloney, Bragadin Press. 1626. Including selichot and prayers for Elul and the Tishrei holidays, selichot for public fasts and ...
ЛОТ 43: Ma'amadot. Venice, 1616. Especially Rare. Seder Ma'amadot arranged according to the day of the week, printed by order of Ya'akov Cohen di la Mann. Venice, Pietro and Lorenzo Bragadin, 1616. Beautiful Seder Ma'amadot , printed in vowelized letters. Especially rare sefer . Mi'fal ...
ЛОТ 44: Important Historic Collection: [30] Prayer Leaves from Prominent European Communities. Prayer texts occupy an important place in the customs of various Jewish communities - each community's text was not identical to the text of its neighboring community. There are certain additions in machzorim ...
ЛОТ 45: Prayer Book with Historic Significance: Meah Berachot. Rare Complete Copy. Meah Berachot - blessings arranged for us by the ancients. With many additional tikkunim . With blessings, prayers and piyyutim for the annual festivals and a Passover Haggadah. Amsterdam, 1688. Especially sought-after ...
ЛОТ 46: Especially Sought-After Siddur: Kabbalistic Prayer Services. Zolkiew, 1781. Seder HaTefillah al Derech HaSod - kavvanot from Sefer Pri Etz Chayim by Rabbi Chaim Vital, received from his teacher, the Ar"i. Zolkiew, 1781. This is probably the first siddur printed using the text later known as ...
ЛОТ 47: Machzor for the High Holidays. Venice, 1638. With Kabbalistic Commentaries. Rare. Sephardic machzor for the high holidays, Seder Selichot for nights of ashmurot and prayer services for Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, with Kabbalistic elucidations. Venice, 1638. With Peirush HaTekiot by Rabbi ...
ЛОТ 48: Banned Kabbalistic-Shabbatean Siddur: Ketter Yosef. Berlin, 1699. Especially Rare. "These are the books that swallowed this snake's poison in some hidden places, the siddur Tefillah Ketter Yosef , hence rabbis of the previous generation decreed that it should be placed in genizah" (the ...
ЛОТ 49: Machzor According to the Ashkenazic Custom. Venice, 1567. Part I. Especially Important Machzor. Machzor for the entire year "per the Ashkenazic custom with all the parashahs and the haftarahs . With vowelization and cantillation. We have also added a commentary and word definitions. Part I." ...
ЛОТ 50: Siddur Nehora HaShalem, Nusach Sefard. Scarce Edition. Pedigree Copy. Siddur Nehora HaShalem , nusach Sephard. Two parts with separate title pages. [Lemberg], Rabbi Avraham Yosef Segal Press, 1860. Hard-to-find edition. Not listed in Mif'al HaBibliographiah nor in Otzar HaSefer HaIvri ; not ...
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